Plan B …

With the winds this morning not allowing us our planned day afloat, Iwan and Shelby opted for plan b and a first time coarse Fishing at Llyn Y Gors.

A couple rods were set up, both fishing method, with a different pellet on each rod tipped with a small white maggot. On the poles, a standard float rig to a size 16 hook for a couple maggots, one red and one white.

The Fishing on the poles was consistent through the day, with perch, roach, small bream and cruscian carp keeping us entertained all day.

The carp fishing was slower than what I had last weekend, the cold snap,in the weather no doubt playing a part. We still managed to land 3carp on the rods, all to Iwan, his first time landing these lovely lake fish.

A couple small fish before late afternoon when a nice fish of around 7lb took his pellet bait.

Shelby managed to hook into a nice bream on the rod too.

We also hooked and lost a few more carp, some as the spat the hook and others as they made for weed that helped shake the hook grip.

More photos in Fresh Water Gallery 3

Another successful trip at the lake with Iwan & Shelby both enjoying the experience of being lakeside for their first time.

For more information please see Your Carp Experience

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