April and the spurs are biting

A great weekend was just had aboard My Way, kicking off April in superb fashion. We had a good variety inshore with dogs, whiting, codling and huss the mains at anchor, with a good number of pollack to 2lb on the drift.

Late afternoon both days saw us catching plenty of Spurdog at the edge of Holyhead Deep. Numerous small sharks landed averaging 10lb.

Meltham & District SAC member Dave Blakey, landing cracking 17lb 10oz specimen, setting the bar high on the first day of our 6 week long Pure Fishing Spurdog competition, catch the heaviest over this period and win a Greys GR100S 20lb Boat & Abu Ambassadeur 7000C LW multiplier reel combo

A few photos from the weekend below & more in Gallery 198

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