Having been all but sidelined by the weather during or trip to Scotland last week we received a last minute call from our skipper there was a small change in wind and we had the potential for a day afloat.
Like myself Paul, likes to explore new marks and despite 25knots forecast, a new mark with potential was a possibility. We we’re invited aboard Sea Dog cost free to help prosper and determine the potential.
Loaded with bait that we had caught aboard My Way 2 we set off around the coastline eventually arriving at our intended mark.
180 & 168 for myself and Mark respectively, not too shabby for our first common skate. And not too shabby a size of skate for a mark with potential – fine tuning and this spot is going to deliver big time!
We’ve all had a tremendous time away, little bit of culture on our weathered day, skate in the middle, and a detour for culture on the way home.
Massive thank you to Paul and Graham at Sea Sog Charters, fantastic time was had by all. Thanks gents see you next year