Busy period aboard My Way 2 at the moment, 4 days with the armed forces and the Inter Services Championships between RAF, Army and Navy.
Here are the details from our first practice day with the RAF.
The match consists of 2hrs on mixed ground, 2hrs drifting and 2 hrs over the mussel beds for both slack water and a very strong running tide.
The guys fished brilliantly, proper match style – fast paced and never ending
614 fish caught in total over the 6hrs
5 minies
34 whiting
101 pollack
20 wrasse
200 dogfish
3 cuckoo wrasse
22 pout / p cod
5 dabs
3 cod
5 Smoothhound
62 huss
2 rays
2 congers
149 extras ( mainly dogfish as max 20 allowed for full points per angler )
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