Sea fishing related articles covering boat fishing from My Way with Gethyn Owen

Fladen Smoothhound Challenge 2013

Even the 2013 Fladen Fishing UK Smoothhound Challenge aboard My Way couldn’t avoid the appalling weather that we have been suffering over recent months. Due to be fished over 3 days – Bank Holiday Monday 27th, Tues 28th and Weds 29th May, we only managed to fish the Tuesday, with the Tuesday evening trip being called short as high winds and driving rain made an early appearance. With smoothhounds starting to show, albeit a few weeks late, we set sail early Tuesday 28th May with a hefty slice of confidence. Aboard My Way we had good anglers, perfect crab and […]

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2012 Aboard My Way

On 07th February My Way was re-launched following a 4week stint in the boat yard having some well-earned TLC following the rigours of the previous year afloat. The next few days were spent completing a few odd jobs before getting the kit ready for our first trip of the 2012 season. This trip was on Sunday 12th February, with a 30ft tide and 8 novices and 1 angler; it was going to be an interesting day afloat for early February. The big tides would keep us inshore, but a pleasant enough day was on the cards with a few different […]

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2011 Aboard My Way

    2011 cheap mlb jerseys kicked off with My Way being lifted out of the sea for some well earned TLC. We pull the boat out of the water each year for various jobs, along with a routine service My Way was this time due a good lick of paint. Stripping the red right back, the undercoat for the red was pink. Yes I did 2009 receive some very unwelcome comments and wolf whistles!       Our first few trips of 2011 saw is staying close inshore and fishing around our numerous marks in Holyhead Bay. Early season […]

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2010 Aboard My Way

    With wind, snow and freezing temperatures, topped off with a NE force 10 causing havoc in Holyhead, 2010 started in epic fashion. For My Way the year started the same as every other, being lifted out of the water for some well-earned TLC. There were not that many demanding tasks undertaken, more so time consuming. cheap nfl jerseys The deck was ground right back to the original gel coat, so that a new anti-slip surface could be bonded on correctly and also the cabin was given a good sand down and colour change. As ever the engine was […]

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