Ray fishing related articles covering boat fishing from My Way with Gethyn Owen
Around the world there are over 500 species of rays. Related to the shark family these cartilaginous fish are of extreme value to the recreational angler, from both boat and shore. Sadly though, the numbers of rays being landed either commercially or during recreational angling has dwindled vastly over the last couple decades. According to the Shark Trust there have been 15 species of ray recorded in UK waters, of these only 5 of them are relatively common around the north Wales coast. These are the blonde ray, cuckoo ray, spotted ray, small eyed ray and thornback ray; I have […]
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Ray Fishing Around the world there are over 500 species of rays. Related to the shark family these cartilaginous fish are of extreme value to the recreational angler, from both boat and shore. Sadly though, the numbers of rays being landed either commercially or for sport has dwindled vastly over recent years. It is a fact that the common skate one time abundant in most UK waters is now listed as an endangered species. According to the Shark Trust there have been 15 species of ray recorded in UK waters, of these only 5 of them are relatively common around […]
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Blonde rays are light brown in colour. They are covered in small dark spots that extend all the way to the edge of the body. Often has larger lighter spots/rings on the wings. The blonde has a small snout, with rounded wing tips. The adults are covered in small spines, however the juvenile ray tends to be a lot smoother. Starting at the middle of its back., the ray has spines that run down its tail. They can be found in depths up to 100m. Blonde rays are located over a variety of grounds from sand to rock. Often the […]
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