Pollack fishing related articles covering boat fishing from My Way with Gethyn Owen

A Load of Pollacks

Pollack can be caught off the wrecks around north Wales throughout the winter period, however during this time it’s the weather that tends to knock the odd trip off from targeting these all of these hard fighting species. With us now heading into April, Easter will soon be upon us and with the days growing warmer and longer, the weather should continue to become more settled. As well as the inshore action we will be looking at setting sail a little further from port in search of bigger specimens. Being a distant relation to the cod, pollack is as highly […]

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Pollack is another member of the cod family and is a much sought after fish by anglers fishing for the family food table. Pollack tend to be a dark brown/green colour with a white belly. Their colour though does vary slightly with local habitat. The pollack has no barbel on its chin, and its lower jaw protrudes a lot further than the upper jaw. Pollack prefer rock and weed covered ground. The bigger specimens frequenting the many sunken wrecks in deep seas. There are man y different methods for fishing for Pollack. Methods vary depending on port and also on […]

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