Good Fishing

With the settled run of weather recently we’ve enjoyed a good few trips fishing both within the Menai Strait and out in Caernarfon Bay.

Our shorter trips along the beautiful Menai shoreline has seen us catching a good mixed bag of fish with a steady flow of whiting, dab, dogfish, herring, mackerel, huss and mini.

Caernarfon Bay has once again fished exceptionally well. On Sunday we headed out at 7am, an hr later on arrival at our mark opted to drift a 75ft sandbank for rays an other species.

In the 2hrs we fished this mark we had over 50 rays between the 7 anglers along with a great number of whiting, with a few dogs, huss and other species. 

After this we took a run further down the coast in search for some late autumn tope. We managed to land two tope to 25lb and sadly dropped a few more, with huss, mackerel whiting made up the catch. 

More photos in Gallery 272

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