Hard work!

We had a Great day afloat last last time out. Whiting the mainstay of the day with 1, 2 and 3 at a time for all onboard. Yesterday, despite a week of lovely calm weather was completely different. Even the whiting played very hard to get, part way through the trip it was a desperate affair to avoid the dreaded blank!

Fortunately everyone did catch from a mix of species, whiting, dab, LSSeaScorpion, pout and a few huss, sadly though nothing in any real number. It was a still a great time afloat, calm misty seas, a little bit of banter and some good food.

Keith Heaton turning out the eventual winner of the Shakespeare Fishing January competition, 4 huss towards the end of the evening adding to his tally and winning him a Shakespeare Agility Sea TipTipster.

Other anglers able to get their My Way 2 species hunt underway with some welcome additions. Anglers record their catches through the next 12 months and the angler with the most species wins a £300 tackle voucher to spend on a new rod, reel, clothing or tackle, anything really from our sponsors – PENN, Shakespeare, Abu Garcia or others brands from the Pure Fishing company range.

For more information and details on how you can join in this fun competition please read more here 

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