Love a bit of wrasse fishing

Wrasse hit hard and fight hard. lb for lb they are some of the best fighting fish we have in abundance. As soon as they have your bait in the mouth, it’s off they go, as quick as they can swim to the safety of the nearest kelp bed or rocky crevice.

A softer action rod will help cushion the initial attack of the wrasse, and allow you time to hook and play the fish instead of losing it.

Rig choice varies depending on how quick the drift is and just how snaggy the bottom you are fishing is. Your rig can be either a three hook paternoster style, with all the hooks safely above the lead, or my preferred method of 3 hooks down below the lead. In both instances though it is advisable to use a rotten bottom, this is a weak link between your lead and rig, so if stuck fast in a crevice your lead will break free allowing you to retrieve the rig, and hopefully your fish.

Message or call 07971 924046 to book or for more information

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My Way is sponsored by Pure Fishing – this includes Penn, Shakespeare, Greys, Berkley and many more

These wrasse are from our drifting adventures so far in 2017, the sizes and quantity will only get better over coming months

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