It’s fair to say that one reel seldom covers every task, and often rods need to be balanced correctly with a specific reel hence why with our sponsors at Pure Fishing (UK) Ltd we offer a selection of reels aboard My Way for anglers to use and trial before purchase.
Our reel armoury includes
PENN Squall 20
PENN Fathom Ld two speed in sizes. 15, 25 & 30
ABU 7000c
ABU 7000c3
PENN Spinfisher V 5500
PENN Battle 4000
MITCHELL Avocet 6500
Our collection of PENN Spinfisher V 5500 reels have been with us for 4years benefiting from a trip home for a warm water rinse and dry after every use. With them starting to slow down a bit this season, I suspected the grease had thickened and lets be fair, they’re overdue a good service.
So many screws and bits to take off and clean. But if a jobs worth doing!
As suspected just a build up inside of hardened grease slowing things down. For their first opening in 4 years and in that 4 years of pretty constant use, the PENN Spinfisher reels are truly standing the rest of time.
All cleaned, re-greased and oiled now ready for action the coming winter in the Menai Straits
Testament really to the quality of PENN reels and particularly the Spinfisher range of reels that are used and sometimes abused aboard My Way.