September was another great month to get afloat aboard My Way. Weather permitting we had some great fun fishing both inshore and off towards a selection of areas around Holyhead Deep.
Our first day afloat in September had the weather restrict play and keep us inshore, a great mixed day was still had with a selection of species on the drift and at anchor with Anthony pulling in his best pollack, topping the scales at just short of 6lb. Many smaller pollack and an assortment of different wrasse were also caught with bull huss helping out in the double figure stakes.
The next few days we had weather and tides to head off to Holyhead Deep, September in the Deeps is not as predictable as other months. Ideally tope, spurs and huss all in good number is what we’re looking for.
Above, Keiths first tope, with his lucky top
This time thought the tope were thin on the ground, we managed to catch a few over our time in Holyhead Deep with Luke and Keith both catching 30lb plus tope for their first ever.
Luke proudly displaying his first tope
The inshore fishing is always hot this time of year, I particularly enjoy drifting under the rocks using light tackle for pollack and wrasse with the chances of codling, mackerel, herring and others. The shallow water and light leads used, help offer some great sport from the many fish available around our coastline. Colours and sizes of wrasse in particular vary greatly, and you never quite know what you’re going to see.
Sadly the wrasse appear to be a little smaller than what we would normally see for September, expecting fish to be reaching the 4 to 5lb mark on a regular basis, I think the majority have averaged 2 to 3 lb with very few going over 4lb, however, still great sporting fun.
Scattered amongst hee breezy days were a good number of days with settled seas and sunshine. The inshore fishing was a great mixed bag of smaller species to double figure beauties such as huss, rays and tope.

Earlier we mentioned the ballan wrasse, when drifting many anglers are looking for a cuckoo wrasse, possibly the most colourful species of fish we have around British coast. Although obviously one species, with the female and male cuckoo wrasse looking strikingly different in colour, a tick against both is often a requirement in any fishing calendar.
Above, female cuckoo wrasse
Above, male cuckoo wrasse