My Way is widely known as a boat that can be trusted for big smoothhounds. With the vast majority landed in the mid teen weight range, 2016 alone saw 14 hounds over 20lb in weight. The smoothhound Challenge has for 6 years marked the traditional start to our season.
2017 however was looking to be a small upset, the hounds had not really appeared in any great number and the sizes drastically smaller than those normally enjoyed.
We did catch little over 80 hounds in total over the 5 days making the overall fishing hard work for those involved, with a few blanks amongst the anglers. However, we did catch in mainly bright sunshine and clam seas. We also laughed and ate far too well as we waited for the hounds to bite.
The 2017 event was generously supported by My Way sponsors Pure Fishing UK; Shakespeare Agility 9ft tipster rod with Penn Spinfisher 5500 reel available to the angler catching the heaviest hound each day.
A small daily reports can be found in our News & Reports page.
The winners with their hounds pictured below, see photos in the Smoothhound Challenge gallery here
Below, Monday 22nd Steve Harrison with a 15lb 15oz
Below, Tuesday 23rd Trevor Cozens with a 15lb 15oz
Below, Weds 24th Nick Mascord and his 17lb 13oz
Below, thurs 25th Rich Price with his 17lber
Below, Fri 26th Graham Chadwick with his 8lb winning hound