Plenty of whiting, dogs and small huss, with a few dabs while at anchor inshore over the last few days. One anchor mark also producing a good number of coalfish weighing in at 2-3lb. Below, Gareth Wilson with a nice brace that went home for supper More photos in Gallery 222
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Pollack or Coalfish
Every now and then you see confusion on social media between pollack & coalfish. The smaller specimens in particular are sometimes confused when their colours are similar. Pollack and Coalfish prefer rock and weed covered ground. The bigger specimens frequenting the many sunken wrecks in deep seas. Pollack is another member of the cod family and is a much sought after fish by anglers fishing for the family food table. Pollack tend to be a dark brown/green colour with a white belly. Their colour though does vary slightly with local habitat. The pollack has no barbel on its chin, and […]
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The coalfish is very similar to pollack and is sometimes misidentified by anglers as the latter. It has the same 3 dorsal fins and 2 anal fins, however the lower jaw is almost equal to that of the upper jaw. The lateral line on the coalfish is all but straight The topside of the body is a dark, brown/green colour running to silver down it’s sides, finishing white underneath. Coalfish can be found over a variety of grounds and are fairly common over rough broken areas and wrecks. Sadly the days when we would get large double figure coalfish have […]
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