Cuckoo Wrasse

Is there a more colourful or gorgeous fish in our waters? I think not! Behold, the cuckoo wrasse. Winner of the most beautiful fish in the UK since records began   And if you want a chance to have your photo taken with one – our remaining spaces for 2021 from Holyhead Individual spaces aboard My Way 2 –   19th May – Gen & Deeps – 8hrs – 4 spaces   13th June – Gen & hounds – 8hrs – 1 space 18th June – Gen & hounds eve – 4hrs – 2 spaces 24th June – General Fishing […]

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Cheesecake rewards

Bring a delicious homemade mini cheesecake for the skipper and get rewarded with your first smoothhound.   Cracking 16lb specimen for Beth Another fantastic family orientated trip recently. Plenty of fish caught and getting everyone unto their first hounds. More photos in Gallery 264 COVID19 Information pack

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Pure Fishing Smoothhound Challenge – day three

Last Weds 29th May, we had the third of this years Pure Fishing Smoothhound Challenges. It was a day to remember for sure, not really for the best reasons. Weather double what was forecast, torrential rain and a lack of hounds made for a frustrating day for all involved. Still everyone struggled on and Mersey based angler Chris came out the eventual winner with a hound of 9lb. Credit to Chris, who fought through some serious sea sickness to continue fishing and take the prize that day. As always big thanks to our sponsors at Pure Fishing UK Ltd for […]

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Pure Fishing Smoothhound Challenge – day two

Me and my big mouth in closing after day one looking forward to better weather for day two in our competition . 17-20mph north winds not the best, but workable with a decreasing forecast. The morning we were greeted with 22-30mph. After poking our nose around the breakwater, we came back in! Tea, coffee, chit chat and putting the world to rights, been a fun morning 😁 With easing winds after lunch we headed back out and set the crabs to do their thing.18hounds caught our total, all of them bar a couple between 6 an 8lb, real small sharks compared […]

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Pure Fishing Smoothhound Challenge – day one

What a day Monday was! Strong winds in the morning that gradually abated into the afternoon. Sadly the heavens then opened and a few hrs of torrential downpour tested everyone’s patience. The hounds never read the script either, really heavy going considering the good smoothie fishing we’ve enjoyed lately. Only 10 hounds boated today despite some courageous efforts, the majority around 6lb with the only double a 10lb 10oz specimen for St Helens angler Dennis, winning him a brilliant new rod and reel combo from PENN, thanks to our sponsors Pure Fishing UK Ltd. Looking forward to better weather and […]

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Patience …

The hounds have been hard work the last couple days. Having enjoyed a good week previously, we had high hope for these last four days, sadly the hounds didn’t really read the script. Plenty of small 8-10lb being caught , but the double figure hounds not so prolific as enjoyed only days earlier. Plenty of fish inshore at anchor and on the drift but with the main stars proving elusive at times. Hound fishing often requires patience, sometimes more than usual.More photos in Gallery 244

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This, that and the other

I love a mixed day of fishing. Monday we planned for a couple anchors for some smoothhound with drifting our glorious coastline for a variety of species sandwiched in between. Plenty of small pollack, codling, coalfish with ballan and cuckoo wrasse on the drift, excellent sport on light gear fishing around the South Stack coastline, that include a suprise appearance from a small Rock Goby. The smoothhounds came out to play, with a great number landed to 16lb. Again, fishing with light rods and reels these smoothhounds put up an epic battle for all concerned. More photos in Gallery 244 […]

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Corey cruising

Another day afloat and another superb 20lb smoothhound for first timer Corey Roberts, who broke his duck on Sunday with an 8lber, followed by a 15lb and topped off with a 20lb hound as I was just about to call lines for the day. A mixed bag of fish at anchor and while drifting, the hounds not as hectic as we all would’ve liked. But everyone ( well other than chicken Paul ) managing to catch one, with a few taking two or three. Our hound season is only just getting started, lasting till the end of June the signs […]

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20lb hound x 2

20lb 2oz hound for Bob Deakin on Saturday, a new personal best and new club record for Meltham & District SAC. However the new club record was short-lived. The MAD-SAC smoothhound club record lasted all but a few hours. Blakey beating Bobs earlier hound by 5ounces to record a cool 20lb 7oz smoothie. The smoothhound landed on a Greys GR100S 20lb boat rod and Abu 7000C he won with us on one of our Pure Fishing Competition days.

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