Tale of two weather fronts

A tale of two weather fronts the last couple days. Friday a NE 5-6 hampered play and fishing, then yesterday a variable forecast of light winds and calm seas. Friday we had rain and wind that gave a slow day but did include a few hounds for the guys. Then today sunshine and calm seas saw plenty of dogs whiting and dabs to start with, ballans, pollack, cuckoos, wrasse and codling to 4lb on the drift. Plus some good early season smoothhound fishing that included 2 x 20lb … 3 personal bests and two new club records. By my reckoning […]

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Hound Happiness

Superb fun day afloat on Thursday having a little prospect into the number and quality of hounds that have moved in. Pretty decent day afloat for mid May, we managed to boat 27 between the four of us, a few in 6-8lb bracket. But the majority low doubles, but a few too topping 16, 18 and 19lb. Great fun for an early effort on the hounds. More photos in Gallery 244

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Win a new Rod & Reel

We have very limited spaces for our week long smoothhound challenge – if you catch the heaviest smoothhound of the day you could win a brand new rod and reel combo thanks to our sponsors at Pure Fishing UK ltd. one combo available each day between 27th and 31st May 2019. Watch this video and see the exact rod and reel in action on a double figure smoothie Available spaces Mon 27th May – Smoothie chall eve – 4hrs – 4 spaces Weds 29th May – Smoothie chall day – 8hrs – 4 spaces Thurs 30th May – Smoothie chall […]

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More fishing

Calm seas and glorious sunshine!. Plenty caught on the drift pollack, coalfish and codling to a few lb mixed in with ballan wrasse and the extremely colourful male cuckoo wrasse. After two poor days in Holyhead Deep we tried a different mark today. Fishing wasn’t electric again, however we managed a steady flow including smoothhounds, thornback Ray, huss and the odd doggie. Top angler for the day was Sandra with the only tope landed. Lovely 25lb male that gave a great 20minute battle More photos in Gallery 243

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Species Hunting

Thoroughly enjoyable couple days afloat chasing a variety of species for those on a mission. Plenty of fish inshore, especially on the drift with pollack, coalfish, codling and some amazingly coloured cuckoo wrasse being caught. Holyhead Deep however has disappointed both yesterday and today, with tope and spurdog failing to make an appearance, but hey that’s fishing 😉 Still some great, weather, a few good laughs and quite a few species card appearances. More photos in Gallery 243

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Bank Holiday fun

Following a last minute cancellation for the May Day bank holiday, a quick post on our Facebook page managed to fill the boat up with some keen anglers. Cracking time afloat in some glorious bank holiday weather for a change. Mixed fishing with a variety of species from both anchor and while drifting More photos in Gallery 243

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First smoothhound session

We had our first few hrs trying for smooth hounds this week. And for an early session the fishing was fairly good. We managed a few pups of around 6lb, together with three superb double figure smoothies. Martin, above, landed the first double with a new personal best of 15lb 6oz. Steve, below followed up with his first ever hound at a very respectable 16lb 13oz. Had a fish myself too, and managed to set the bar high for the next 6 weeks with a nice 19lb 6oz

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Smoothhound video

Small video of the PENN Squadron II Touch Tip and PENN Spinfisher VI6500LL in action recently with a nice 16lb 13oz smoothhound PENN Squadron II Touch Tip Offering exceptional value for money, the PENN Squadron II Touch Tip feauture modern sporting blank actions designed to achieve high performance in both fishing an casting. The souple tip provide perfect bite detection where the strong backbone of the blank provides the strength needed for casting baits and fighting the fish. Carbon blank Graphite reel seat Delivered in a cloth bag Supplied with quality guides Three piece equal length Rubber push on butt […]

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