And we’re off

Gorgeous day afloat last Sunday. Fishing was hectic with plenty of fish coming to the boat, however species not so obliging. Whiting the mainstay of the day with 1, 2 and 3 at a time for those onboard.  Many of the whiting nice and plump, a few being retained for fish cakes later in the week.  We also got underway on our new competition for 2020 – the My Way 2 species hunt. Anglers record their catches through the next 12 months and the angler with the most species wins a £300 tackle voucher to spend on a new rod, […]

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Fun Fishing

After a couple great weeks off, relaxing with with family and friends, we’re now looking forward to a fish filled 2020.   Happy New Year everyone.     We have three dates remaining for our Pure Fishing Fun Competitions in the Menai Strait. They are no different to a normal day out and cost no extra to enter. You simply come along and have a fun time catching with us, while we record your catch, each fish scoring a set amount of points each, with bonus points for each different species.   * January -Sun 26th – General & Huss&Conger – […]

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A Jolly Outing

That was fun! Yesterday’s forecast was 13 gusting 30 for the Jolly Boys Facebook group Christmas outing. Wind was it actually 30mph constant for most of our time afloat. Calm sea for the first few hrs, with wind and tide together. All anglers recording a hat full of whiting for the scoresheet, with the odd dog and dab adding to the list. As the tide turned conditions worsened making fishing extremely hard. A few more fish were added to the score sheet, with Wirral angler Mickey Duff taking advantage and adding 3 huss to his tally to win our final […]

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Steves First

The torrential rain, eased off after a couple hours afloat yesterday afternoon leaving us with a crisp clear evening to enjoy the Menai Strait. Last week, a deep hole outside the Port Dinorwic was producing double and triple shots of whiting along with the odd dab and dogfish, yesterday not a fish for our first 45mins. We upped anchor and made a move further down the coast in search of some fresh whiting to supplement our frozen baits. Thankfully the whiting were present in their numbers that were hopefully destined to become food for a few hungry congers and huss. […]

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United Anglers

A mixed bag of nationalities this weekend as anglers from England, Scotland and Wales descended on the Menai Strait for a winter outing. Following a couple weeks of hard fishing with big tides, rain and coloured water, the clearer water this weekend helped out greatly as our day started off with a constant stream of whiting and dabs. A move to try for huss and conger delivered only a few huss to the boat, as we decided to up anchor and head for port an hr early as the wind and torrential rain came in strong & earlier than expected. […]

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Pure Keith

We had some glorious sunshine and calm seas today for our first December Fun Competition on the Menai Strait, generously sponsored once again by the worlds largest tackle company Pure Fishing. A mid morning sail had everyone ready and chomping at the bit to get started. Our first anchor at Pwllfanog saw a few whiting, pout and a huss hit the score sheet and produce beaming smiles. Not quite as many fish as we wanted. A move further down the Menai towards Bangor pier gave us a steady stream of whiting a few dogs and a bonus thornback ray for […]

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Davids win

Fun if a little damp day afloat yesterday for our November Pure Fishing fun competition. A steady flow of whiting, with dab and mini species kept us entertained most of the day along with 12 huss. Eventual winner was David Hellon from Benllech, who stole the win from Pat Whing by 6 points, helped out by his 3 huss that sadly ignored Pats baits. David was rewarded with a Shakespeare Agility Tipster rod for his efforts. A few fish, plenty of banter and a very welcome chilli from Greg. All in a great fun day afloat. We have 1 space […]

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Been Fishing

Hard work last weekend with dirty water making the fishing difficult at times. The drizzly weather though failed to dampen the enthusiasm. Catches included whiting, dogs, dabs, huss and mini species with some small codling and only our 2nd ever 5 bearded Rockling. The weather and fortunes changed on the Monday as the sun came out and everyone caught a good mixed bag of fish.

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