Anniversary fishing

Happy 8th anniversary to Leon & Beth 😊. What better way to spend it on December 30th than with family for an afternoons fishing on the Menai Strait.   Thanks Beth for this awesome cake with iced My Way 2.   Plenty of whiting and a few other species to keep the newly hooked young Anglers catching

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Nice one Arthur

Hard 5hrs afloat yesterday, even the whiting played hard to get. Never the less, the 10 Anglers aboard recorded over 200 fish in our December fun competition, again generously sponsored by Pure Fishing (UK) Ltd. Big whiting, small whiting, small codling and the odd dog and mini species making up the catches today. Eventual winner on the day was local rod Arthur Beechey, a popular and accomplished international angler. Having already amassed an envious armoury of Angling tackle, Arthur kindly donated his prize to young Emily Hardy, the only jnr aboard My Way 2. Crisps in one hand and hot chocolate […]

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Early morning Strait

Lovely sunrises greeted us with our early starts this week. Gorgeous red & pink skies as we fished. Fishing was consistent and fairly good given the amount of wind and rain we have had of late. Plenty of bumper whiting for the table with many more smaller ones along with small codling, minis, dogs, small pollack and also guys to 5lb. Last of our Pure Fishing fun competitions for 2018 this coming weekend. January 2019 is fully booked but we have spaces for February and March. Click here for more details  

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Lovely few days afloat

  We’ve just enjoyed a few lovely days fishing within the Menai Strait. Large plump whiting were the main catches, with many retained for eating.  Additionally we had dogs, dabs, codling, huss, mini species and some smoothhounds a surprise catch for December. With the glorious weather and tranquil surrounds it was a lovely time afloat once more.

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How cute

Another enjoyable day afloat on Sunday from Port Dinorwic. Fishing not as good as yesterday, I’ll blame the strong east breeze, never the less a good number of fish caught. Whiting the main catches with a good few retained for the plate along with codling, dabs, coalfish and mini species. My favourite from the days catches this stunning male dragonet

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