Fish Identification – LS Sea Scorpion or SS Sea Scorpion

The Long and Short Spined Sea Scoprions often prove difficult to identify, especially when laid on a species card for a club or online fish species hunt. The Short Spined (Myoxocephalus scorpius) can grow over 1lb in weight, with the Long Spined (Taurulus bubalis) not reaching over 1lb. Both are fairly small fish with flat stout bodies and fairly large heads. Not the prettiest of fish, they do look prehistoric with four large spines protruding from the head. They are generally a brownish red colour, with a cream underside, but variations occur depending on habitat. Both fish are often confused […]

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Mini Species

There are some anglers around the UK who consider it pointless going fishing unless you get to take your catch home and feed the family, then there are those who want only fish for species that push the scales over the magical 10lb mark. It is agreed though that the fishing is sadly, in general, a lot poorer than what it was 20 years ago. I’m not talking one particular species neither, but all round fishing whether you consider it to be climate influenced or due to the intervention of man, once popular marks are now void of fish and […]

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