2020 Species Hunt – The Winners

As the year draws to a close, we can now announce the winners in our 2020 My Way 2 Species Hunt. The My Way 2 Species Hunt was generously sponsored by Pure Fishing (UK) Ltd,  the worlds largest fishing tackle company thus allowing the winners the opportunity to redeem their vouchers in exchange for some excellent quality fishing tackle from the likes of  PENN, Shakespeare, Abu Garcia, Berkley, Spiderwire and more. 2020, what a year for the inaugural hunt aboard My Way 2! Through a variety of lockdowns and tier systems within the UK we have only been able to […]

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My Way 2 Species Hunt suspended

    With travel restrictions imposed for anglers coming into Wales we have taken the decision to suspend the 2020 Species Hunt once again until restrictions are lifted.   With poor weather at the start of the year, 3 months of lockdown and restricted trips, the hunt has never the less been a great success with anglers adapting their rigs and skills to look for that next specie of fish for their tally.   Despite everything we have still managed a total of 27 species for the anglers taking part:-   dab, whiting, pollack, spurdog, thornback ray, bull huss, ballan […]

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Having fun

We’ve been enjoying some great mixed fishing on the Menai Strait for the passed week.  Our trips have been 5hr over high water and 7hr over low water, many a simple good days fishing and a few chasing species for anglers to tick off their tallies for the year.  Anyone catching a fish aboard My Way 2, simply uses the boat species card while afloat and takes a quick photo of the card alongside their catch. This photo they then upload to the My Way 2 Species Hunt 2020 Facebook Group Page and we keep track of who has caught […]

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Menai Magic

Brilliant fun day for our first trip on the Menai Strait yesterday. We wanted to make the most of the sunshine despite the tide being a little too big to that normally preferred on the Menai thus restricting us to just a couple marks.   We still managed a good few species, keeping us all busy through our 5hrs afloat – dogs, whiting, huss, dab, mackerel, sea scorpion, small tope and a fair number of small smoothhound.   Looking forward to the months ahead chasing a wealth of species along this stretch of water. More photos in Gallery 262 COVID19 […]

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The species are adding up

Our My Way 2 species hunt is keeping anglers on their toes as the season progresses.  We’ve spent many days offshore this year with various trips, together with missing out on lockdown, the species days have been limited, however we are still adding to the list as weather allows. With big spring tides this week we spent our time moving around various marks trying to tempt a variety of different fish to our baits. We managed in collating a respectful number that included bull huss, coalfish, codling, corkwing wrasse, cuckoo wrasse, dogfish, mackerel, pollack, starry smoothhound, tompot blenny, pouting, poor […]

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Ding a Ling

Thanks to Kev Howarth for this photo Great fun yesterday following Storm Ellens presence the end of last week. Big tide so we opted half a day on the drift and the other at anchor. Great fun, plenty caught on each mark and a good mixed bag of species, with Micky getting his species hunt account off to a great start Bookings for 2021 aboard My Way 2 are well underway with diary and tides available  COVID19 Information pack

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Counting up the species

The My Way 2 species hunt continues to stir up emotions as anglers record each new species they have caught aboard My Way 2 in 2020 With only a few days fished and a handful of species caught, there is still everything to fish for. 1st Prize £300rrp Fishing tackle voucher 2nd Prize £200rrp Fishing tackle voucher 3rd Prize My Way 2 Gift voucher Anyone catching a fish aboard My Way 2, simply uses the boat species card while afloat and takes a quick photo of the card alongside their catch. This photo they then upload to the My Way […]

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My Way 2 Species Hunt update

This month we reopened our My Way 2 Species Hunt for 2020 a chance for anglers to record the different species they catch with us resulting in the angler with most by 31st Dec winning a great prize We started this fun campaign mid January 2020 however it was short lived and postponed until early July 2020 with the Covid19 pandemic. Currently top 3 places are as follows 01st Mark Cain – 14 species02nd Graham Chadwick – 12 species 03rd Peter Maryniak – 11 species Top Junior Emily Hardy – 4 species With only a few days fished and a […]

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2020 My Way 2 Species Hunt restarts

This month we reopened our My Way 2 Species Hunt for 2020. Our start mid January this year was short lived and postponed with the Covid19 pandemic, but now it is open and we’re looking forward to the next 6 months of fishing. Currently top 3 places are as follows Joint first Mark Cain – 7 speciesStephen Hughes – 7 species Joint secondKeith Heaton – 6 speciesWill Hardy – 6 species Joint thirdDavid Hellon – 5 speciesGareth Pickard – 5 species We also have a new category, and that’s for best junior angler. Details of the prize for the top […]

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Hard work!

We had a Great day afloat last last time out. Whiting the mainstay of the day with 1, 2 and 3 at a time for all onboard. Yesterday, despite a week of lovely calm weather was completely different. Even the whiting played very hard to get, part way through the trip it was a desperate affair to avoid the dreaded blank! Fortunately everyone did catch from a mix of species, whiting, dab, LSSeaScorpion, pout and a few huss, sadly though nothing in any real number. It was a still a great time afloat, calm misty seas, a little bit of banter and […]

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