Ray of Sunshine

Ray Fishing Around the world there are over 500 species of rays. Related to the shark family these cartilaginous fish are of extreme value to the recreational angler, from both boat and shore. Sadly though, the numbers of rays being landed either commercially or for sport has dwindled vastly over recent years. It is a fact that the common skate one time abundant in most UK waters is now listed as an endangered species. According to the Shark Trust there have been 15 species of ray recorded in UK waters, of these only 5 of them are relatively common around […]

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August 2016

August was another month of mixed fortunes aboard My Way, maybe ‘Mixed Fortunes’ will be the title of our 2015 review, temperamental weather once again playing a big part in the whole month. Still, with a fully booked boat, when the weather allowed we managed to sail whenever possible and locate some sport for our crews. A few days into the month and the weather settled nicely for us to take a trip out to Holyhead Deep, sights set firmly on spurdogs and maybe a few tope. We were’t disappointed with a good number of spurs and tope coming to […]

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July 2016

July! A month once again blighted by wind. Seems to be the most common factor in reports this year yet again. But, where possible we have sailed and enjoyed some great sport inshore and especially out in Holyhead Deep. The first few trips we remained inshore, with winds and tides restricting movement. Our rewards were some good mixed days with a variety of species including plenty of smoothhounds. I spend a fair amount of time drifting around our coastline in search of pollack, coalies, codling and my favourites when drifting inshore the various members of the wrasse family. On the […]

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Whiting is another member of the cod family. The upper part of the whiting’s slender body is a dark greenish colour, turning lighter and finishing in a white belly.   A dark lateral line divides the top and bottom half of the body and is usually a darkish brown colour. Whiting tend to feed from the mid to bottom areas in depths varying from 40 to 400ft. Whiting can be caught on a variety of baits with mackerel and squid amongst firm favourites.  

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October 2015

Our first trips in October saw us fishing around Holyhead bay for a selection of species. One day with a great mix of novice and experienced anglers we had a species and fun filled day. After landing plenty of whiting on the big spring tide, we hooked up larger traces and concentrated on bigger species. Huss fishing can be great fun With everyone catching a good number of huss, it was Ned who managed to come out on top during his first trip with a cracking inshore tope. The tope screamed line from Neds reel and gave him a fantastic […]

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September 2015

September was another great month to get afloat aboard My Way. Weather permitting we had some great fun fishing both inshore and off towards a selection of areas around Holyhead Deep. Our first day afloat in September had the weather restrict play and keep us inshore, a great mixed day was still had with a selection of species on the drift and at anchor with Anthony pulling in his best pollack, topping the scales at just short of 6lb. Many smaller pollack and an assortment of different wrasse were also caught with bull huss helping out in the double figure […]

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