What a month

When the storms roll in it’s easy to take a downward view on the month that’s gone. But to be fair, we’ve enjoyed some great fishing.


Sorting through photographs and looking back through the month it is pretty safe to say we’ve enjoyed a great time afloat sailing between the inclement weather.

Working through the tides, there have been some superb fish to be caught both inshore and off – deeps or wrecks, it’s been a pretty enjoyable time.


It niggles a skipper when anglers thrust a fish for the camera … hold it close, it’s a great fish, no need for exaggerating what so ever.

It’s also comical when that green eyed angler says “ No need to hold them ones out pal “ when it is quite clear the fish in question needs holding out to make anything of the catch!


We’ve had such an enjoyable time afloat of late.

The ability to write a few lines, creating the silk purse from a pigs ear is gifted to many. But an honest photo helps show the fun we’ve been enjoying …  photos from the past month available in Gallery 258, Gallery 259 & Gallery 260

Bookings for 2021 aboard My Way 2 are well underway with diary and tides available 

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